If you have been following my Christmas Countdown, by now you will have developed your plan for 2021 and know what you are going to measure to track progress.
So how do you review the data you have captured and what do you need to do next?
Firstly, don’t over think it. Keep it simple – I would suggest the following:
1. Set regular review dates at the beginning of the year – if they are not in the diary they won’t happen
2. Have the right people in the room. Keep staff engaged, listen and learn from them, and maintain alignment on the way forward
3. Agree an owner for each element of data – it is their responsibility to prepare the information and talk about it at the review
4. Focus on the way forward rather than wasting time disputing data, or making excuses, when you do not like what it is telling you
5. Take time to understand what the data is telling you and the implications for achieving the results you want
6. Inviting and listening to the views and recommendations of others – they may well know more about an aspect of the business than you do
7. Identify and clearly communicate interventions that are required to stay on track
Finally, and most importantly…
8. TAKE ACTION. Then follow through with those interventions
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