This week is about turning last week’s strategy into a plan for 2021.
Now you have identified your critical success factors – the three or four things you absolutely must nail to be successful, next you need to:
Consider each factor, brainstorm what actions need to be taken (don’t worry about who and when at this stage). I like yellow stickies and simply jot whatever comes into your mind related to this factor
Next try to put them on a rough timeline – firstly, which year as some will be post 2021
With your 2021 stickies, think which quarter each action should take place – play around with them until you see the order that makes most sense (resist the temptation to put everything in Q1 – be realistic as better to achieve a few actions than none!)
Now focus on Q1 and break it down into a monthly plan using the same principles as above.
You now have your detailed plan for the first three months of 2021 and high-level plan for the remaining three quarters.
Well done!
Click here for
Week 1